Our Services

General Dentistry

At Grape Lakes Family Dental, we strive to provide comprehensive dental treatment for our patients. Our goal is to help you maintain optimal oral health through regular hygiene visits, check-ups, and proper home oral care. We offer a wide range of services, from cleanings to full mouth restoration, and bring in specialists to our office to ensure that you receive the best care possible. Our experienced dentist, Dr. Labrecque, and her staff are dedicated to providing personalized and high-quality care for all your oral health needs.


If you are missing one or more of your teeth, a bridge can fill the space and restore your smile. Bridges are fixed, permanently cemented to the tooth structure. They can also help prevent shifting of the teeth due to a missing tooth, which can lead to bite problems and periodontal disease. Bridges can also help to maintain a healthy and vibrant smile.

Root Canals

Additionally, we also provide root canal treatment for cases where tooth decay has reached the nerve and a filling is no longer enough to repair the damage. The procedure involves removing the decayed pulp, cleaning and disinfecting the central part of the tooth, and filling and sealing it. Our dentist will work with you to determine the best course of treatment and ensure that you are comfortable throughout the process.


If you are in need of a cleaning or have any dental concerns, please contact our office to schedule an appointment. We are dedicated to providing the best care for your smile.

General Extractions

In some cases, tooth extraction may be necessary to maintain proper oral health. This can include instances where a primary tooth is blocking the eruption of a permanent tooth, a tooth has sustained severe damage or decay and cannot be repaired, or a patient has gum disease. Extractions can be performed surgically or non-surgically, depending on the case, and mild anesthesia is used to ensure comfort during the procedure.


When a tooth is damaged, cracked, or decayed, a custom-made crown can be placed to protect it from further damage. Crowns can be made from various materials, such as porcelain, zirconia, gold, or a combination of materials. Porcelain crowns are the most natural-looking, but they may not be as durable as other options. The typical treatment plan for a crown placement includes:

  1. An impression of your teeth is taken to create a custom-made crown 
  2. The tooth is numbed and the tooth structure is reinforced
  3. The tooth is reshaped to provide an ideal fit for the crown
  4. A temporary crown is placed on the tooth while the custom crown is being made
  5. The temporary crown is removed, and the custom-made crown is cemented in place

With proper oral hygiene, including daily brushing and flossing, can help ensure that your crowns last for a long time, in some cases over ten years.

Teeth Cleanings

One of the important services we offer is teeth cleanings, which we recommend getting twice a year. During these visits, we remove plaque buildup from hard-to-reach areas, such as beneath the gum line and in-between teeth. We also clean your teeth and apply fluoride to strengthen the tooth structure and prevent future decay.


A filling is used to restore tooth structure that has been damaged by decay or has been fractured. At Grape Lakes Family Dental, we use tooth-colored resin material for fillings, eliminating the potential hazard of metal/amalgam fillings that contain traces of mercury. We can also replace your old amalgam/metal fillings to remove any unhealthy materials.

We Look Forward To Seeing You Smile!

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