
Tooth Decay Prevention

Tooth decay is a progressive disease caused by the interaction between the bacteria that naturally occur on teeth and the sugars in one’s diet. When sugar reacts with the bacteria, it produces acids that break down the minerals in the tooth, creating a cavity. To prevent this, Dr. Labrecque recommends maintaining a good oral hygiene routine that includes brushing and flossing twice a day, regular dental check-ups, controlling diet and receiving fluoride treatments. These measures can help reduce the risk of tooth decay and the need for costly treatments.


The grooves and depressions on the back teeth can be difficult to clean, making them vulnerable to decay. Bacteria and food can get trapped in these grooves, leading to the formation of cavities. To protect these areas, Dr. Labrecque may recommend using sealants. A sealant is a resin material that is applied to the back teeth and other areas that are prone to cavities. It can last for several years, but it is important to have it checked at regular appointments.


Fluoride has been proven to strengthen teeth and make them more resistant to decay. Dr. Labrecque may provide fluoride treatments during regular check-ups. Drinking water that is treated with fluoride, and brushing and flossing regularly can also reduce the number of cavities.

Thumb Sucking

For babies and toddlers, thumb sucking is a natural reflex that helps them relax. It typically stops when the permanent front teeth come in, between the ages of 2 to 4. However, prolonged or vigorous thumb sucking can cause improper growth of the mouth and misalignment of teeth. If your child continues to suck their thumb, Dr. Labrecque can provide advice on how to help them stop. Some strategies include praising the child when they don’t suck their thumb, identifying and addressing the cause of stress or discomfort, placing a bandage on the thumb or a sock on their hand at night.

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